Under the direction of Patricia Paciotti, students in pre-kindergarten through eighth grade receive musical instruction throughout the year with an opportunity to participate in Select Chorus beginning in fifth grade.
Students in all grades are expected to apply their musical skills and vocal techniques to their concert repertoire.
Students in pre-kindergarten through fourth grade perform at the Grandparents Day Concert, Winter Concert and Spring Concert.
The first-grade class presents a musical production, “School Days: A Fish Tale,” and the second-grade class performs “Of Mice and Mozart.” The third-grade class presents a musical production “Impossible Made Possible” and the fourth-grade class performs “School House Rocks.”
In fifth through eighth grade, students learn basic musicianship skills along with reading music, diction, and singing as part of a group. These groups give two scheduled yearly performances, but may also perform at special events throughout the year.
Select Chorus consists of students in fifth through eighth grades. This group sings a more challenging repertoire and has students singing in two- and three-part harmonies. An extracurricular activity, the Select Chorus performs at the Winter and Spring Concerts along with special events throughout the year.