* Required

Golf is $175 per player.​ You may also use this option to add more players to your group if you selected a sponsorship.​​​​​​​
Entitles you to four players, your company name listed on a banner and in the tournament program, plus special recognition on tournament day.​​​
Entitles you to two players, your company name on a banner and in the tournament program.​​
Your $450 sponsorship entitles you to golf and dinner for one, a sign with your company name on a hole or tee and a listing in the tournament program.​​
Entitles you to a sign with your company name on a hole or tee and in the tournament program. ​​​
Any Prize Sponsorship donation of a flight or raffle prize entitles you to a listing in the tournament program. (Send donation to: Wyoming Seminary Alumni Office – 201 N. Sprague Avenue, Kingston, Pa. 18704 - Attn: Liz Clements Katyl)​​

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